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Xtreme Classix - Pitfall


Activision Anthology Gameboy Advance Screenshot 1
Activision Anthology (Gameboy Advance)
The real story here is how bizarre it is to be playing an emulator with an emulator.

(Definitely not from the manual!)
--From the Gameboy Advance Activision Anthology instruction manual.

"Activision Anthology" is a game that aims to entertain those with the shortest of attention spans. That's because "Activision Anthology" is actually ten Atari 2600 games being emulated through a t.v. from the 1980s. The soundtrack is pure '80s synth, and of course, instantly catchy. The Game Boy Advance doesn't have quite as many games as the "Activision Anthology" versions released for other platforms, but it has enough to be entertaining and definitely warrants a play. Games like "Bloody Human Freeway" are nothing short of hilarious (especially when you realize the human is immortal). "Boxing", and "Chopper Command" are likely to produce nostalgia for the more seasoned gamer.

Click Here For Complete Activision Anthology Info

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Pitfall Atari 2600 Screenshot 1
Pitfall (Atari 2600)
Picture this! You are deep in the recesses of a forbidden jungle - an unforgiving place few explorers ever survive. But you've got courage, because you're with Pitfall Harry, the world famous jungle explorer and fortune hunter extraordinaire. the lure of hidden treasures draws you and Harry deeper and deeper into the bush...
--From the Atari 2600 Pitfall instruction manual.

Pitfall Harry is out for treasure in the jungle. Swing from vines, jump rolling logs, and hop from crocodile head to crocodile head in the search of treasure.

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Pitfall Coleco Screenshot 1
Pitfall (Coleco)
Pitfall! was one of the most popular games sold in the early 1980's. First created for Atari 2600 and then for other systems, like this ColecoVision version. In Pitfall! you assume the role of adventurer Pitfall Harry, roaming a jungle maze and searching for treasure while avoiding the "pitfalls" that exist therein. All sorts of nasties, such as scorpions, snakes and crocodiles, await Harry and stand between him and his lust for riches.

I would have to say this version is as primitive as the original Atari game. Not necessarily saying bad things about it, but obviously the programmers did not take full advantage of ColecoVision's graphical capabilities. Plays the same, and controller action is good. Timing is the key to making jumps. Harry runs through the jungle to the sound of his own feet, and "bloop" represents the sound of leaping through the air and falling. Also, there's that classic Tarzan yell when Pitfall Harry grabs hold of a swinging vine. Great game and gameplay, the classic Pitfall! in its raw, primal form. Can I get a "Cro-Magnon"?

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Pitfall: Beyond The Jungle Gameboy Color Screenshot 1
Pitfall: Beyond The Jungle (Gameboy Color)
Princess Mira has been captured, and it's up to Pitfall Harry Jr. to save her and the people of Shenrak. The evil Scourge has scorpions, vultures, and booby traps at its disposal, while Pitfall Harry Jr. is armed only with a pick-axe. The odds may weigh against him, but when you're an adventurous treasure hunter with a track record like Harry's, things don't look so bad.
--story from VG Fanatic

Unfortunately, it looks like they were rushing to put out a Game Boy Color title just for the color. They neglected many aspects of what makes a good game. The graphics are in color, but that's about all: not up to standard in terms of detail and animation. The sound is tolerable, but only just. The controls are also lacking, being somewhat unresponsive and making jumps rather hard to judge. Still, that's the challenge of these Pitfall games, so give Beyond the Jungle a try if you're up for a real test of dexterity and coordination.

Click Here For Complete Pitfall: Beyond The Jungle Info

*You Must Download And Install The Client Before Playing.

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Sega Genesis Screenshot 1
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Sega Genesis)
After days of traveling through the jungle, Harry Jr. and I have finally reached the heart of the ancient Mayan Empire. It's been a long journey, but the real danger lies ahead... For we are close to discovering the lost treasure of Vaxactun.

According to legend, the treasure is guarded by the spirit of an ancient Mayan warrior--Zakelua: Lord of Evil. Thousands of years ago, Zakelua attempted to conquer the Mayan lands so he could rule the Empire. After many battles, he was finally defeated, never to be seen again...

I have recorded my research on Mayan culture and legend in the following pages. If something should happen to me, it is my hope that Harry Jr. take my personal log and use it as a guide to continue our quest. I only hope that it will be enough help--if ever it must be used...
--from the Genesis Pitfall: the Mayan Adventure game manual

Click Here For Complete Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Info

*You Must Download And Install The Client Before Playing.

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Super Nintendo Screenshot 1
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Super Nintendo)

Many years ago there was a daring adventurer who traveled the world in search of ancient legends and lost treasures. His journeys took him across the seven seas and to the ends of the earth. He ventured into vast, uncharted regions filled with unthinkable dangers. As word of his exploits filtered back to civilization, he soon became larger than life...a legend. This great explorer was Pitfall Harry.

After many successful quests, Harry settled down to raise his son, Harry Junior. Having inherited his fatherճ love of the unknown, Harry Jr. grew up to become a hip 18-year-old with a deep sense of adventure- and a bit of an attitude. He quickly learned the thrill of exploration and discovery and soon experienced many exciting quests of his own.

Hearing of his sonճ thrilling escapades, Pitfall Harry realized how much he longed for the life he once knew. So together the daring duo set off for the jungles of Central America in search of the lost treasures of the Mayans.

But something went terribly wrong...

Day 3--The Mayan Adventure

After days of traveling through the jungle, Harry Jr. and I have finally reached the heart of the ancient Mayan Empire. Its been a long journey, but the real danger lies ahead... For we are close to discovering the lost treasure of Vaxactun.

According to legend, the treasure is guarded by the spirit of an ancient Mayan warrior--Zakelua: Lord of Evil. Thousands of years ago, Zakelua attempted to conquer the Mayan lands so he could rule the Empire. After many battles, he was finally defeated, never to be seen again...

I have recorded my research on Mayan culture and legend in the following pages. If something should happen to me, it is my hope that Harry Jr. take my personal log and use it as a guide to continue our quest. I only hope that it will be enough help--if ever it must be used...



Pitfall Harry has been taken captive by the dreaded warrior spirit Zakelua: Lord of Evil. Armed with only a trusty sling and his fathers journal, young Harry Jr. must now venture into the unknown to rescue his father...before it's too late!

--From the Super Nintendo Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure instruction manual.

Click Here For Complete Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Info

*You Must Download And Install The Client Before Playing.

Super Pitfall NES Screenshot 1
Super Pitfall (NES)
Pitfall Harry is back, ready to embark on the most dangerous, most impossible mission he has dared to attempt so far. All alone, with only a gun and his wits for protection, he must recover the priceless Raj diamond from a vast subterranean dwelling high in the Andes Mountains. And to complicate matters, he must also rescue his beloved niece Rhonda and feline friend Quickclaw the Lion, both trapped in the dark, damp depths below.

This is no weekend caving adventure. With no map to guide him, Harry must find his own way through the cave's endless passages-over 270 screens-infested with poisonous frogs, bats, snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, cavemen, lava pits, deadly condors, falling rocks, and other evil creatures and hazards.

Care to join Harry in his quest? He could certainly use some assistance.
--From the NES Super Pitfall instruction manual.

Pitfall Harry's back, in a new form and a more exciting adventure! Harry has his new gun, but that probably won't get him far without his courage. He must get the Raj Diamond from the Andes Mountains, and he must rescue his niece, Rhonda, and his pet Quickclaw The Lion! There are many different monsters, so watch yourself, and good luck!

Click Here For Complete Super Pitfall Info

*You Must Download And Install The Client Before Playing.
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