It's 10:30pm Friday night. What's it time for? Exsqueeze me? Baking
powder? Did you say Hawaii Five-O reruns. I think NOT. In Aurora Illinois,
it's time for Cable Access Channel Ten and Wayne's World. I'm your excellent
host Wayne Campbell, and with me as always is Garth. It's Wayne's World. It's
Wayne's World. It's Party Time. It's Excellent. Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo.
You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, You'll Hurl!
Are you ready for this? Number One of the Top Ten Most Bizarre Things to
Happen This Year: Garth has been kidnapped! No WAY, you say? Hway!! It all
begins down at Noah's Arcade, where Wayne & Garth are engrossed (with a capital
G) in a most heinous game called Zantar. All of a sudden there's a blinding
flash, and Ka-Boom! The two find themselves inside the game! IN the wink of an
eye, the hapless Garth is inhaled by Zantar, the gelatinous cube - a pixelated
purple putridosity of the first degree! Before our stunned hero can react,
Zantar is gone... and Garth along with him. And no you, Wayne Campbell, must
heartily rescue your excellent sidekick from a fate most unbecoming!
But as you make your way through your familiar and beloved hangouts in
search of Garth, you'll notice something disturbingly different. This world is
twisted, warped, and distorted version of reality as you know it! Armed with
your mighty guitar and the power the SCHWING, you must brave the surrealistic
perils of Kramer's Music Store, Stan Mikita's Donut Shop, the Gasworks night
club, and surburbia. There, you will spar with such Dweeboids as monster
bagpipes, accordions, and kazoos (shyeah, rright!), spewing coffee cups and
dangerous Disco balls (as if!), hair-whipping headbangers and a strange Psycho
Hose Beast (way!)
HELLO? Are you worthy to face this mega-challenge without Blowing Chunks?
Then party on, my friend, to the most excellent finish!
--From the SNES Wayne's World instruction manual.
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